Book Title: LIN 175: Information Literacy

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Book Description: This book is created by and for NKU learners with the aim of developing foundational information literacy skills and habits. This book will explore the vast and complex information environment and provide strategies to navigate information and research needs. Topics in the book include getting started with research, using research tools, and evaluating information sources. Readers will gain inquiry, critical thinking, and analysis skills. NKU learners will be encouraged to share their own experiences, perspectives, and growing expertise as an information consumer and ultimately make contributions to this always-evolving text.
Book Information
Book Description
This book is created by and for NKU learners with the aim of developing foundational information literacy skills and habits. This book will explore the vast and complex information environment and provide strategies to navigate information and research needs. Topics in the book include getting started with research, using research tools, and evaluating information sources. Readers will gain inquiry, critical thinking, and analysis skills. NKU learners will be encouraged to share their own experiences, perspectives, and growing expertise as an information consumer and ultimately make contributions to this always-evolving text.
Book Source
This book is a cloned version of Library 1600: Introduction to College-Level Research by Iowa State University Library Instruction Services, published using Pressbooks by Iowa State University Digital Press under a CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) license. It may differ from the original.
LIN 175: Information Literacy Copyright © 2022 by Steely Library Education & Outreach Services, Northern Kentucky University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Research and information: general