
Adaptation Statement for American Legal System I

This course focuses on introducing undergraduate students to concepts in Torts, Contracts, and Legal Writing, including IRAC organization. As such, one text must cover many topics and cannot cover the entirety of any of the given subjects.

This adaptation focuses on streamlining the content to be a part of a larger course. Material was reorganized to put all of the defenses to torts in a separate section following the rest of the content. Some defenses were expanded upon. Throughout intentional torts and negligence, some more illustrations of content were given. A few minor grammatical changes were made. Material regarding vicarious liability was removed for brevity. A large section was added on legal writing which was adapted from another OER resource.


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Torts, Contracts & Legal Writing Copyright © by Marcia Ziegler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.