Interdisciplinary Thinking and Learning: Problem-Solving for a Complex World was adapted from and remixed by Rhonda D. Davis from Robin DeRosa’s Interdisciplinary Studies: A Connected Learning Approach as indicated. Unless otherwise noted, Interdisciplinary Thinking and Learning: Problem-Solving for a Complex World is (c) 2024 by Rhonda D. Davis and is licensed under a Creative Commons-Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.
In Interdisciplinary Thinking and Learning: Problem-Solving for a Complex World, an intentional effort has been made to use examples of complex problems that are social, political, economic, and environmental, and gender-neutral language (they/their) has been used intentionally. In addition, while general ideas and content may remain unchanged from the sources from which this adapted version is based, word choice, phrasing, and content organization within each chapter may have changed to reflect this author’s stylistic preferences. Several sections have been left out of this adaptation to suit the needs of a foundational introductory course.
The following additions or changes have been made to these chapters:
I. Architectures for Learning
- Removed this section
II. Open Pedagogy and Connected Learning
- Removed this section
III. Terms and Concepts
IV. Disciplinarity and Interdisciplinarity
V. Academics on Interdisciplinarity: Professors Talk with Students
- Removed this section
VI. Creating an Interdisciplinary Studies Major
VII. Interdisciplinary Research
VII. Interdisciplinarity: Scholarship and Application